The GSH Blog
Fund for Children, Youth and Families Awards $1.95 Million to Greater Washington Region Nonprofits
July 18, 2019 - The Fund for Children, Youth and Families at the Greater Washington Community Foundation is proud to announce $1.95 million in grants to 46 nonprofits serving disadvantaged children, youth and families across the Greater Washington region. These...
June 13, 2019 – Alliance for Human Services Panel on Affordable Housing
On June 13, the Alliance for Human Services’ (AHS) annual meeting will feature a panel discussion, “There’s a Knock at Our Door: the Growing Epidemic of Evictions and Housing Instability in Our Community.” Evidence is mounting that rising housing prices, paucity of...
Pursuing Affordable Housing Now
Attitudes are shifting on the need for affordable housing. With Amazon’s decision to locate its HQ2 in Crystal City, everyone began to talk about affordable housing and existing gaps.
Community Conversation: Share your vision for Hybla Valley/Gum Springs as the EMBARK Corridor develops
Share your vision for the future of Hybla Valley/Gum Springs at this listening session, which is sponsored in part by Good Shepherd Housing (GSH).

Can Housing Supply Meet Demand?
The Fairfax County government estimates a need for an additional 15,000 affordable housing units (for households who do not earn more than $60,000 a year). It is not clear that additional housing supply will meet the demands for affordable housing.
The Impact of High Costs on Livability
A discussion on quantifying the impact of high costs on livability, including the ability to maintain housing.
Rental Market Changes
More Americans are turning to rental homes over home-ownership. For many of these renters, their financial straits are driving them to the rental market.
Affordable Housing Meant a Chance to Go Back to School
With her savings growing, Ms. Elliott has gone back to school and begun to establish credit in her own name. Her daughter is attending a local middle school, and is excited that she now has a chance to participate in extracurricular activities.
Support the Housing Trust Fund
It’s disappointing that the House recommendations included no increase to the Housing trust fund which will be a critical tool in supporting both our current and future residents in securing housing near these employment centers.

Inner Givers
Examining the difference between the Inner Giver and the Inner Egotist.