83% of households we help are families with children

We provide stable housing and other services for more than 1,000 working-class families each year

11% of Virginia families live in poverty
Are you in need of housing?
We help low-income families and individuals by providing affordable, stable housing and individualized case management that will help them address structural barriers to long-term housing like poor credit histories, challenging rental histories, little or no savings, and low incomes.
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Are you in need of emergency financial assistance?
GSH provides grants up to $1150 per family in the period of a year to prevent evictions, or help with first month’s rents and security deposits. Grant applicants are carefully evaluated for factors that lead to long-term housing stability, helping us keep households at risk of homelessness from losing their home.
Eligible clients must live within the following zip codes:
22315, 22310, 22309, 22308, 22307, 22306, 22305, 22304, 22303, 22153, 22150, 22060, and 22079.
Assistance is limited to once every 12 months.
GSH only accepts Emergency Services referrals through Fairfax County’s Coordinated Services Planning (CSP). If you are in need of assistance, please contact CSP directly at (703) 222-0880.
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See what some of the families are saying about how GSH was able to help them…
Office Address:
8253 Backlick Rd Suite L
Lorton, VA 22079
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1266
Newington, VA 22122-9998
Phone: 1-703-768-9404
Fax: 703-768-9419
TTY: 711