Joshua: Surgery Recovery Becomes a Financial Obstacle

As part of our activities, we now present a story from one of the people GSH has helped. There was no avoiding his much-needed surgery, but Joshua knew the recovery time would present a financial challenge. Joshua has worked as a transit driver for disabled...

A Message to Our Community – Un Mensaje Para Nuestra Comunidad

Our country, region, and communities are reeling with outrage from acts of racism we have witnessed in the past few weeks, specifically with the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many others. We at Good Shepherd Housing feel we must speak up....

What the CARES Act Means for Nonprofits

Charitable Giving Incentives for Donors to 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations In addition to facilitating direct financial relief to affected nonprofit organizations, the CARES Act also creates charitable giving incentives for donors to 501(c)(3) nonprofit...

COVID-19 Hiring Opportunities

In order to help the people that are out of work due to COVID-19, we have compiled a list of businesses and organizations that are currently in need of new hires during this crisis. If your business is hiring, please let us know by emailing our development team at...

GSH Residents Need YOUR Support

GSH Residents Need YOUR Support Now, more than ever, Good Shepherd Housing (GSH) is relying on YOUR support to help us provide the most basic of services to our residents. Many of our clients work hourly jobs or hold other positions that have been negatively impacted...