Feb 7, 2022

As part of our activities, we now present a story from one of the people GSH has helped.

There was no avoiding his much-needed surgery, but Joshua knew the recovery time would present a financial challenge. Joshua has worked as a transit driver for disabled communities for years, and his employment agreement only included up to three weeks of unpaid sick leave. Unfortunately, his surgery required six weeks of recovery time. While he was able to retain his position in the interim, his paychecks stopped a month before he expected to return back to work. His daughter had previously left two concurrent jobs to attend school. While she has put those plans on hold and is reapplying for work, their next month’s rent was due before she was likely to secure a position and earn her first paycheck. Joshua reached out to Good Shepherd Housing for assistance with August rent. With Joshua cleared to return to work at the end of August and his daughter pursuing work, they felt confident they would be able to make their September rent and grateful for help maintaining their financial health during Joshua’s recovery.

Want to help more people like Joshua? Give today at https://goodhousing.harnessapp.com/wv2/donate.