Pooled Income Fund
What is a Pooled Income Fund? A Pooled Income Fund operates much like a mutual fund that is established and maintained by GSH in which multiple owners invest. GSH “pools” the contributions of many investors, invests the money, and then distributes to investors an annual payment. Upon investing, donors are provided both a tax deduction and potential lifetime income stream based on a prorated share of the income earned by the fund. After the donor passes away the remaining assets are distributed to the charity. Is the Pooled Income Fund right for you? If you answer yes to any one of these questions, a gift to our Pooled Income Fund could be right for you:- Would you like to make a significant gift to charity upon your death?
- Do you want to benefit charity while also relying on income from investments during your lifetime?
- Is a smaller gift within reach for you now, but you’d like to ultimately make a larger gift upon your death?
- Would you like to use charitable giving to reduce the overall size of your estate and/or tax liability?
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