GSH Board of Directors

Les Baer

Les Baer

Alternative High School Teacher; Retired Business Executive

Lisa Bowman

Lisa Bowman

Director of Marketing and Communications, National Council of State Housing Agencies

LaShaunda Ford

LaShaunda Ford

Senior Technology Account Manager, Dell Technologies

Peter G. Gartlan (Treasurer)

Peter G. Gartlan (Treasurer)

Senior Advisor, The Donohoe Companies

Steven Geiger

Steven Geiger

Former Non-profit Senior Administrator/CFO

Stephen Hartell

Stephen Hartell

Vice President of U.S. Public Policy, Amazon

Taylor Holland (Vice Chair)

Taylor Holland (Vice Chair)

Digital Communications Manager, NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association

Katrina Kirchoff

Katrina Kirchoff

Director of Human Resources, TBA

Laurie MacNamara

Laurie MacNamara

Retired Government and Industry IT Executive

Sara Mariska (Secretary)

Sara Mariska (Secretary)

Attorney, Odin Feldman Pittleman LLP PC

Erica C. McCants (Chair)

Erica C. McCants (Chair)

Director of Enterprise Accounts, UPS

Tiffani Moore

Tiffani Moore

Manager, Federal Home Loan Banks Affordable Programs Branch, Federal Housing Finance Agency

Kelly Nagel

Kelly Nagel

Head of Residential, EDENS

Tracy Branding Pyle

Tracy Branding Pyle

Managing Director, Ankura Consulting

Lisa Sales

Lisa Sales

Member, ERA Coalition Advisory Council

Willie D. Tate

Willie D. Tate

Senior Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch